Twangy Chess
Flag of France flying in the wind

French Defense Opening

Jan 28, 2021

The French Defense is a popular opening in chess, characterized by the moves 1.e4 e6. It is a defensive opening that aims to control the center of the board and limit the mobility of White’s pieces. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at the French Defense, its main lines, and some notable games where it was played.

Flag of Spain flying in the wind

Ruy Lopez Opening

Jan 9, 2021

The Ruy Lopez is one of the oldest and most popular chess openings, dating back to the 16th century when it was first played by Spanish bishop Ruy López de Segura. It is also known as the Spanish Opening and is characterized by the moves 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5.

A picture of the coast island of Sicily, Italy.

Sicilian Defense

Dec 18, 2020

The Sicilian Defense is one of the most popular and complex chess openings, played by Black as a response to White’s 1.e4 move. It is known for its tactical complexity and the many different variations it offers. The opening is characterized by the move 1…c5, which immediately challenges White’s central pawn control.

Algebraic formulae and equations on a white-blue background

Algebraic Notation

Nov 27, 2020

Algebraic notation is a way to describe the moves on a chess board. It uses a shorthand for each piece and each square on the board to concisely and uniquely describe the movements of the pieces on the board.

Ninja holding a Samurai sword for a discovered attack

Discovered Attacks

Nov 19, 2020

Discovered attacks can be considered a more advanced technique in chess. The key idea behind them is that you move one of your pieces, and by doing so attack one of your opponent’s pieces with a piece behind the piece that was moved.